Carlos Redlich

Carlos Redlich is an accomplished direct response copywriter specializing in assisting coaches in acquiring more clients through the power of direct response copywriting, strategic marketing, and automated sales funnels. With a remarkable track record spanning nine years, he has honed his copywriting skills to not only sustain his livelihood but also transform a struggling business into a six-figure enterprise within a mere ten months. Now fully dedicated to his craft, Carlos embraces the freedom of being a full-time copywriter and enthusiastically indulges in his passion for traveling whenever possible. Drawing from his background in brick and mortar businesses and sales, he firmly believes in the relentless pursuit of success over an extended and consistent period. Carlos's mantra is simple: keep hustling, embrace failures as valuable lessons, and unswervingly forge ahead on the path to progress.

Contact Carlos at Linkedin

AdSkills Instructor

Carlos Redlich

AdSkills Instructor

Carlos Redlich

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