Raul Hernandez Ochoa

Raul is a business strategist that knows how to influence top-line revenue and bottom-line profit by aligning your marketing, product and operations for growth.
He: Doesn't have an MBA. Didn’t come from a big-name consulting background. Didn’t take some online courses or buy a franchise that automatically “gives him authority” to help you…

He's just been blessed to have work with bootstrapped founders to:✔ Double-5x digital agencies (with millions in revenue) using his strategies✔ Design revenue teams that produce $50M in sales and made it to the Inc 5000✔ Be responsible for over $25M in direct response ad spend✔ Train thousands of entrepreneurs in private paid programs and live events✔ Lead strategy for multiple digital teams across the globe in 12+ time zones.

Get in touch with Raul at Linkedin.

AdSkills Instructor

Raul Hernandez Ochoa

AdSkills Instructor

Raul Hernandez Ochoa

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